Details : The list of tabs.

small image of tab list

On click the left image picture, you can download to see the NEWEST list of tabs. Please read also the guideline below, before you imagine what to choice.

After having reviewed the list, please be back to this page for yourself with "Back" button on your Browser... Thank You!

Guideline for review.

How to review this?

  • Only PDF-files marked with "OK" in the cell-box of "PDF" can be for sale AT THIS MOMENT; They are displayed in black letters for easy to review.
  • All the rest are NOT READY for sale, but in various status; Marked with "Ready" means now just coordinating before sale: "Ask" will need you to ask me with E-mail... I wonder if most of them may need some careful treatment against copyright.
  • If "Revised" checked in the same cell, it is or will be revised and ready for sale sooner or later with PDF. "Revised" cell means simply the Year of LATEST revision.
  • Tunes with gray letters, none-checked in any status box EVEN MAY BE POSSIBLE to buy, however they should be coordinated by the TablEdit program again before made in the format of PDF.

How to listen Midi file and/or to get samples to play?

  • The link in "Title" cell is that to Midi. It can be simply enjoyed, or useful for your choice to buy.
  • Another link in "PDF" cell means that to the sample sheet, possible for download just only the 1st page. This also may be useful to try before purchase, and know your "Challenge Level" as guideline.

When and Why will be renewed?

  • The list will be renewed sometimes, but uncertainly... ;-) It just depends my own interest, but in case of revision the tune may be finally ready for PDF and the list will be renewed.
  • These days my interest is in the revision work than arranging some new tune... Yes, it's fun and makes me REFRESH against my past works! So I'd like to try ALMOST FOREVER that the older ones will become much better - more beautiful to listen and easier to play... even if just a little bit?!
  • PLEASE CONTACT FREE for some request to your need to play among the list... then I would try to remake it, however I myself would not predict if I could revise for renewal or just end up only to coordinate simply musical notations.

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► Note

This list is in PDF format, however, includes some links to Midi file and sample of PDF. They will be useful for your choice or No choice.

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